A word from the C.P. and the V.P.


A word from the club president

Hey! I'm Matsuda, the president of the physics club. This is my second year as president.

In our physics club, each member decides on his own research topic and works independently so that they can show you something worthwhile in the school festival.

Rookie members complete their own projects for the school festival. When I was a freshman, for example, I created a simple game; and a rookie member last year made up a gadget called a line tracer which moves along on a black line.

Even if you are a novice newcomer you can create whatever you want to; your friendly senior members will assist you.

Come join us! And hitch your wagon to the stars!

May, 2008 Kunimasa Matsuda President, Kaijo Physics Club

A word from our vice president

Hi! My name is Takano. This year our physics club is launching some new activities: making cloud chambers and water-based barometers, and managing this web site, to name just a few.

We ARE serious about what we do!

We hope you enjoy seeing what we have to offer.

May, 2008 Yuki Takano